Don’t just get a website, build a solid online presence!

As a consultant, small business owner, small church leader or solopreneur, you should be thinking about what your online presence offers your target audience. What do you want to achieve online and why are you doing it?

These are questions I ask people enquiring about a new website for their business or ministry. What are the business or ministry objectives and what do the website visitors need to get from the website?

Most people have the desire to increase revenue and increase awareness for their business or ministry. They may also want the website to help automate some of the business or ministry tasks.

Most website visitors would be looking to get to know more about your business, church or charity and maybe how to purchase your products or services.

Before creating a website, think about how the website can achieve goals for you and your target market.

Good planning is essential for a professional online presence and it’ll go a long way in helping you decide which functionality and features you need on your website for your target market.

Your website should be built to attract your perfect client, customer or fan.


Who is your perfect client?

Knowing who your perfect client is would greatly improve the way you can help them solve their problems. This information is crucial to your online presence.

How do you give your perfect client a visible, quick and good improvement to their challenge with an immediate benefit, from your website? You can create a free downloadable content that can help them overcome a present challenge.

You can also produce free content for them constantly, so they keep coming back to your website.

Providing consistent value to your target audience is one way to grow your online presence and visibility.

Your website is the centre of your online presence, no matter how small your business or ministry is, so build it well from the start and expand your brand.

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