Simple Marketing Map

Scrolling, scrolling, scrolling… Wait, what’s that?!

Imagine if you could get the attention of your audience like that!

Aim to stop them scrolling, catch their attention and retain it, especially on social media.


With our attention span getting shorter by the second, that is what your advert must do.


Successful advertising influenced you to get that car, house, toaster, to book that holiday or that hotel. The list goes on.

Some people don’t believe advertising works.

But there are basic principles behind it.

The words, images and videos used for marketing, all work together to create positive emotions that influence your behaviour and encourages you to buy something.


They are designed to leave an impression.


Online advertising and marketing will work for your church or Christian ministry if you want to grow.

As a leader, you want to look for opportunities to make a difference, impact the community, connect with people and change lives.

If you can get your audience to stop and give you their attention online within a few seconds, you can get them to engage with you and ultimately hear the Good News.


Understanding how a simple ‘sales’ funnel works can help you do that.



This marketing strategy is easy to do, no matter how simple or complex you want to make it.

If the process brings results for businesses throughout the consumer journey, it can work successfully for your church or online ministry too.

Any strategy that gets people to view your church or ministry in a more positive light is an advantage.

The key is not to think that your marketing ends with social media interactions, website visits, product sales, church or events attendance.


Why is a Funnel important?


It helps you map out all the potential interactions to attract your audience, nurture them and encourage them in taking action.

A lot of people buy from brands that they know cares about them.

Small businesses make more sales when they can anticipate customer needs.


As the leader of a small church or a Christian preacher, you might not consider yourself as ‘selling’ something.

You aren’t selling. Everybody gets turned-off by ‘selling’. What you’re doing is Marketing. It’s very different.

When it comes to online marketing, you use ‘digital’ tactics to help your church spread the message of Jesus Christ.


This marketing ‘funnel’ secret is not for businesses alone.


By the way, if you know a small business owner, perhaps you can tell them to subscribe to this list, as what I’ll be sharing may be useful to them.

It can show them a way to get potential customers for their businesses and serve them.

Subscribe to list here


Use a simple Funnel as a tool


The MAP gives an outline of the different audience touch points.

It’s shaped like a funnel because you have more prospects at the beginning than toward the ‘sale’.

Prospects drop off at various points for any number of reasons ranging from a disconnect with your message, your landing page and so on.

The goal is to move prospects down the sales funnel stages.


Starting from the top, the MAP shows the different stages you get your audiences involved with your church or online ministry.

  • Awareness
  • Interest
  • Leads
  • ‘Sales’


In the emails I send you, we’ll look at each element in the MAP, and I’ll show you some marketing techniques you can use to implement it.


In this MAP


  1. The first part shows the different platforms where to attract your audience. Social media, using emails, your website and paid advertising.

I kept the categories simple for a reason. You might be signed up to more social media platforms or might have a different email service provider.

What I want to show you is that online traffic comes from part one.

It’s interesting to note that your website is only part of your marketing funnel.

Understanding how online marketing delivers results will help you optimise your website as part of a funnel.


  1. The second part is the funnel stages and how your audience moves through them. Getting traffic itself isn’t valuable unless you convert your visitors into leads.


  1. The third part is the relationship-building process and how you make efforts to pay attention to your target audience.

Remember that the initial contact with them might not create an immediate conversion, so you’ll need a process to entice them back.


In conclusion, I share this map with you because I want you to know that if others can use this system to build sizable subscribers, events attendees and customers, your church or ministry can too.

Let me warn you that there are many factors to a successful funnel.

See you in my next email.




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